Saturday, May 28, 2005

The Darth Lord

"The Transformation is complete"....and with these ominous words we see the birth of Darth Vader- and even after so many years it sends a chill down the spine.

The Revenge of the Sith - the last and latest prequel from the Lucas stable once again takes you on a journey a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. The same characters, flashing light sabres, the unbeatable Jedis, 'out of the world' backdrops and of course the anticipation of how and why the talented Annakin becomes Darth Vader - what does one want more?

Yet the film does not quite match up to the expectations. Several reasons for it - a lacking script, a 45 minute movie stretched to 2 hours, no 'real' reason for the transformation, no dynamic Han Solo, too many light sabre fights and a Annakin Skywalker whose computer generated light sabre emotes better.

Which is why perhaps the last 30 mins of the film is when you wake up and feel your pulse racing.

Definitely watch it for going down memory lane -the mystery behind Darth Vader, the birth of Luke and Leia , Jedi master Yoda's self imposed exile (and therefore the swamp adventures of TESB) and of course the irresistable pair of R2-D2 and C-3PO.

This film will not draw you back to the theatre for a second watch but would definitely make you reach out for the original.

May the Force be with us all SW fans.


Blogger The Marauder's Map said...

For people like me who have NOT grown up worshipping Star Wars as a sort of second religion, the film was even more of a wash-out. I was told that it was better than the first two prequels, but that fact hardly redeemed this one in my eyes. It's worst fault was of course that it failed to convince me why a guy who seemed firmly entrenched in the good and right causes in the beginning of the film did such an about turn half-way through the film. Looking at Christenson made me sigh with sheer lust, but even I could not ignore the fact that the man was not born to emote. Why waste such a role on him?

11:37 PM  
Blogger Tridib said...

As I had mentioned in my blog, I think Star Wars' greatest strength has now become its biggest weakness -- technology. When the first instalment of Star Wars hit theatres audiences were dazzled by the special effects on offer at that time. But now, when computer-generated reality is as much a part of movies as real life actors, I think a film has to offer more than fireworks-from-a-good-vs-evil-battle!

4:11 AM  

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